Biology (Raven), 10th Edition

Chapter 49: The Circulatory System


All invertebrates have open circulatory systems with hemolymph instead of blood.
Amphibians have a three chambered heart with two atria and one ventricle. The consequence of this is:
A)mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the ventricle
B)the heart has to work harder to pump blood to the body
C)mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the atria
D)increased oxygen carrying capacity
E)none of the above
Venous pressure alone is sufficient to return blood to the heart.
What DOES NOT happens if a person becomes dehydrated?
A)the person will become thirsty
B)less ADH will be secreted
C)the person will urinate less
D)water will be retained in the blood by the kidneys
What is NOT true about erythrocytes?
A)Mature mammalian erythrocytes have nuclei.
B)Vertebrate erythrocytes contain hemoglobin.
C)Each microliter of blood contains about 5 million erythrocytes.
D)Erythrocytes have the shape of a biconcave disc.
E)They are important in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Which statement is not true concerning closed circulatory systems?
A)are found in vertebrates
B)contain hemolymph
C)move fluid in a loop
D)are found in invertebrates
The efficient circulatory system of mammals and birds - double circulatory systems - is thought to have been important in the evolution of which of the following?
E)none of the above
What is NOT true of the cells in the sinoatrial (SA) node?
A)They are the heart's pacemaker.
B)They generate spontaneous action potentials at a slower rate than other autorhythmic cells.
C)The spontaneous action potentials are due to constant leakage of Na+ ions into the cell.
D)They generate an action potential every 0.6 seconds.
E)They are located in the wall of the right atrium.
What causes water to move into the capillaries from the interstitial fluid?
A)osmotic pressure because protein concentration is greater in the interstitial fluid
B)blood pressure
C)osmotic pressure because theprotein concentration is lower in the interstitial fluid
D)active transport
What occurs when a baroreceptor senses an increase in blood pressure?
A)increased heart rate, vasoconstriction
B)increased heart rate, vasodilation
C)decreased heart rate, vasoconstriction
D)decreased heart rate, vasodilation
E)none of the above
Which of the following are true statements about leukocytes?
A)comprise 5% of the cells in human blood
B)are smaller than erythrocytes
C)are not confined to the blood but can move out of the capillaries into the interstitial fluid
D)are all classified as granular
E)none of the statements is correct
Which of the following is a function of the vertebrate circulatory system?
A)Regulating body temperature.
B)Transporting metabolic wastes.
C)Providing immunological defense.
D)Transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide.
E)All of these.
Which of the following is NOT true regarding the circulatory systems in vertebrates?
A)Blood pressure in fish drops significantly in passing through the capillaries in the gills.
B)Reptiles have a septum that partially subdivides the ventricle.
C)The amphibian heart has a single ventricle.
D)Blood leaving the gills in fish travels directly back to the heart to be pumped to the rest of the body.
E)There is no mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the mammalian heart.
Interstitial (tissue) fluid is derived from fluid that is forced out of which of the following?
C)arteriole end of capillaries
D)venule end of capillaries
E)lymph vessels
Platelets are formed from the cytoplasm of which type of cell?
B)granular leukocytes.
C)nongranular leukocytes.
E)heart muscle cells.
Hematopoiesis occurs where and produces what?
A)kidney; erythrocytes
B)bone marrow; pluripotent stem cells
C)kidney; platelets
D)bone marrow; myeloid stem cells and lymphoid stem cells
True or false: The linkage of circulation and respiration has permitted the evolution of large body size.
Arterial blood pressure depends on which two factors?
A)stroke volume, heart rate
B)resistance, cardiac output
C)resistance. stroke volume
D)heart rate, resistance
Which of the following is not a hormone involved in the regulation of blood volume?
A)nitric oxide
B)antidiuretic hormone
D)atrial natriuretic hormone
E)all of the hormones listed
F)none of the hormones listed
Where is the fluid pressure highest in a capillary bed?
A)artery side
B)arteriole side
C)within the capillaries
D)venule side
E)vein side
Which of the following is NOT a correct statement of cardiac physiology?
A)The autonomic nervous system modulates the rhythm and force of cardiac contractions.
B)The autonomic nervous system does not initiate the heartbeat.
C)norepinephrine arises from the sympathetic nervous system and increases heart rate
D)acetylcholine arises from the parasympathetic nervous system and increases heart rate.
E)none of the physiology is stated correctly
F)all of the physiology is stated correctly
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