Biology (Raven), 10th Edition

Chapter 44: Sensory Systems

Animations and Videos

The Sodium Potassium Exchange Pump (1104.0K)

How the Sodium Potassium Pump Works (819.0K)

Receptors Linked to a Channel Protein (413.0K)

Voltage-Gated Channels and the Action Potential (1276.0K)

The Nerve Impulse (1148.0K)

Action Potential Propagation in an Unmyelinated Axon (366.0K)

Action Potential Propagation in Unmyelinated Neurons (75.0K)

Action Potential Propagation in Myelinated Neurons (73.0K)

Chemical Synapse (478.0K)

Transmission Across a Synapse (491.0K)

Function of the Neuromuscular Junction (700.0K)

Postsynaptic Potentials (79.0K)

Membrane-Bound Receptors that Activate G Proteins (880.0K)

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