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Learning Objectives
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Chapter 13 teaches students about:

  • The territorial consolidation of large nation-states.
  • The moral and psychological consolidation of nation-states, which entailed an expansion of constitutionalism, even in Russia.
  • The role of war in nation-state consolidation.
  • The unification of Italy under Cavour's politics of reality.
  • Bismarck's role in founding a German empire.
  • The power of the newly consolidated German empire, which magnified the role of Prussia among the European powers.
  • The establishment of a dual monarchy in Austria-Hungary, which represented a compromise between Germans and Magyars and the exclusion of other nationalities.
  • Alexander II's cultivation of liberal support and the threat to his rule by revolutionists, especially anarchists.
  • The impact of the 1861 Act of Emancipation and other reforms on Russian society.
  • The resolution of secessionist tendencies in the U.S. by way of the victory of the North during the American Civil war.
  • The resolution of separatist tendencies in Canada with the reunion of French and English regions and the pioneering of dominion status.

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