AP Biology (Mader), 11th Edition

Chapter 6: Metabolism: Energy and Enzymes

Learning Outcomes

6.1 Cells and the Flow of Energy

  1. Compare potential and kinetic energy.
  2. Describe the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
  3. Examine how organization and structure of living things is related to heat and entropy.

6.2 Metabolic Reactions and Energy Transformations

  1. Compare the energy associated with endergonic and exergonic reactions.
  2. Describe how energy is stored in a molecule of ATP.
  3. Examine how cells use ATP to drive energetically unfavorable reactions.

6.3 Metabolic Pathways and Enzymes

  1. Explain the purpose of a metabolic pathway and how enzymes help to regulate it.
  2. Examine how enzymes lower activation energy and increase reaction rate.
  3. Distinguish between conditions and factors that affect an enzyme's rate of reaction.

6.4 Organelles and the Flow of Energy

  1. Compare the role of carbon dioxide, water, and oxygen in photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
  2. Describe how high energy electrons are captured by NAD+ and used to do work.
  3. Explain how electrochemical gradients are used to produce ATP.
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