AP Biology (Mader), 11th Edition

Chapter 5: Membrane Structure and Function

Learning Outcomes

5.1 Plasma Membrane Structure and Function

  1. Distinguish between the different structural components of membranes.
  2. Explain the functional benefits of using membrane-bound cellular compartments.
  3. Describe the diverse role of proteins in membranes.
  4. Compare membrane permeability for polar and nonpolar molecules.

5.2 Passive Transport Across a Membrane

  1. Describe how molecules move from high to low concentration.
  2. Compare diffusion and osmosis across a membrane.
  3. Differentiate between hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic solutions for animal and plant cells.

5.3 Active Transport Across a Membrane

  1. Explain how active transport moves substances across a membrane.
  2. Compare the energy requirements of passive and active transport.
  3. Contrast the active transport of large and small substances into a cell.

5.4 Modifications of Cell Surfaces

  1. Explain the role of the extracellular matrix in animal cell behavior.
  2. Compare the structure and function of adhesion, tight, and gap junctions in animals.
  3. Contrast cell to cell junctions between animals and plants.
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