AP Biology (Mader), 11th Edition

Chapter 39: Locomotion and Support Systems

Learning Outcomes

39.1 Diversity of Skeletons

  1. Describe a typical hydrostatic skeleton, and list some examples of animals that possess one.
  2. Discuss some advantages of having an endoskeleton versus an exoskeleton.
  3. Provide several examples of how mammalian skeletons are adapted to particular forms of locomotion.

39.2 The Human Skeletal System

  1. Review the five major functions of the skeletal system.
  2. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic structure of bone.
  3. List the major bones that comprise the human axial and appendicular skeletons.

39.3 The Muscular System

  1. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic structure of a muscle fiber.
  2. Explain the molecular mechanism of muscle contraction.
  3. Indicate three ways that muscle cells can generate ATP.
  4. Explain the specific role of acetylcholine (Ach) in stimulating a muscle fiber to contract.
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