The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View, 2nd Edition (King)

Chapter 12: Personality

Applied Multiple Choice Questions

Octavia enjoys being around others and is well known for her social grace. She is warm and engaging with everyone she meets regardless of whether the setting is the classroom, her workplace, a restaurant, or her own home. Based on this information and relying on the Five Factor Model, we can say that she would be most likely to score high in
Elijah often worries about his future. He almost always lies awake the night before a test concerned that he will fail. On the rare occasion that he does receive a grade that is lower than the one for which he hoped, he becomes depressed and irritable and usually gets sick. His friends tease him that he takes everything far too seriously, or that he's going to have a nervous breakdown before he reaches 20. Based on this information, and relying on the Five Factor Model, we can say that Elijah would be most likely to score high in
While Layne's friends enjoy her sense of humor and warmth, they are often frustrated by her inability to get places on time. Worse, she rarely calls to say she will be late, and sometimes she doesn't show up at all. She hates to commit to anything beforehand and seems to make decisions based on her moods, regardless of how those behaviors might affect others. Based on this information, and relying on the Five Factor Model, we can say that Layne would be most likely to score low in
Since her physician told Fabienne that she needs to lose weight to improve her health, she has been trying to eat healthily. But every time she goes out to a restaurant, she can't resist ordering several unhealthy desserts. Her friends suggest that she try to eat the foods she craves in moderation, but she tells them that when she sees the sweets she's not "supposed" to eat, she can focus on nothing but how badly she wants them. Freud would say that Fabienne's _____ is encouraging her to overeat certain foods.
Elke lends a friend some money but the friend doesn't pay her back when he said he would. Though Elke feels angry, her mother taught her that it is rude to yell or say anything that might upset someone else, so she pretends she isn't angry and asks the friend to pay her back in a month. Freud would say that Elke's _____ told her she shouldn't show anger towards others.
Cerys has read all the books on mythology in his school's library, and he is intrigued by how the stories all seem to have similar elements and themes. In each story there is a hero and a villain, a damsel in distress, a wise old man or woman to guide the hero, and a funny sidekick. Jung would tell Cerys that the commonalities are there because the story creators were all tapping the
A)collective unconscious.
B)personal fable.
C)imaginary audience.
D)personal unconscious.
Cerys has read all the books on mythology in his school's library, and he is intrigued by how the stories all seem to have similar elements and themes. In each story there is a hero and a villain, a damsel in distress, a wise old man or woman to guide the hero, and a funny sidekick. Jung would tell Cerys that the hero, the villain, the wise mentor, the love interest, and the sidekick are all patterns of interpreting experience called
B)object relations.
Dr. Drust asks his client, Nairi, to complete a test that will help him pinpoint the type of depression she has and which personality characteristics may be contributing to her problem. The test consists of 567 true and false questions and addresses attitudes and emotions, behaviors and symptoms, and life history. Dr. Drust has given Nairi the
B)Thematic Apperception Test (TAT).
C)Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2).
Dr. Vartan shows his client Dallas 12 different pictures and asks him to tell a story about each one. When Dallas has looked at all the cards, the two of them review the stories together, looking for recurrent themes. Dallas has just taken the
B)Thematic Apperception Test (TAT).
C)Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2).
Phil's boss called him into her office and told him that he was a bad employee and was going to be fired if he didn't show improvement. Although he wanted to argue that he was a good employee, Phil held his tongue to avoid getting into even more trouble. When he got home his wife apologized for not having dinner ready yet. Phil screams at his wife and tells her she is a bad wife for making him wait for dinner after he was at work all day. Phil's behavior is an example of
King: The Science of Psychology, 2nd Edition
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