The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View, 2nd Edition (King)

Chapter 11: Gender and Sexuality

Key Terms

sex  The properties of a person that determine his or her classification as male or female.
sex chromosomes  In humans, the pair of genes that differs between the sexes and determines a person's sex as male or female.
gonads  Glands that produce sex hormones and generate ova (eggs) in females and sperm in males; collectively called gametes, the ova and sperm are the cells that will eventually be used in reproduction.
secondary sex characteristics  Traits that differ between the two sexes but are not part of the reproductive system; they include breasts in females and facial hair in males.
gender  The social and psychological aspects of being female or male; gender goes beyond biological sex to include a person's understanding of the meaning to his or her own life of being male or female.
gender identity  An individual's multifaceted sense of belonging to the male or female sex.
androgynous  Having attributes that we typically associate with both genders.
disorders of sexual development (DSD)  Congenital conditions in which the development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex is atypical; formerly called intersex conditions (or hermaphroditism ).
transgender  Experiencing one's psychological gender as different from one's physical sex, as in the cases of biological males who identify as female, and biological females who identify as male.
gender identity disorder (GID)  Strong, persistent cross-sex identification and a continuing discomfort with, or sense of inappropriateness of, one's assigned sex.
sexual selection  According to Darwin's theory of evolution, the differentiation between the male and female members of a species because of the differences between the two in competition and choice.
gender roles  Expectations for how females and males should think, act, and feel.
gender stereotypes  Overly general beliefs and expectations about what women and men are like.
gender similarities hypothesis  Hyde's proposition that men and women (and boys and girls) are much more similar than they are different.
aggression  Behaviors that are intended to harm another person.
overt aggression  Physically or verbally harming another person directly.
conduct disorder  A pattern of offensive behavior that violates the basic rights of others.
relational aggression  Behavior that is meant to harm the social standing of another person.
sexuality  The ways people experience and express themselves as sexual beings.
sexual orientation  The direction of an individual's erotic interests.
heterosexual  Referring to a sexual orientation in which the individual is generally sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex.
homosexual  Referring to a sexual orientation in which the individual is generally sexually attracted to members of the same sex.
bisexual  Referring to a sexual orientation in which the individual is sexually attracted to people of both sexes.
human sexual response pattern  Masters and Johnson's model of human sexual response, consisting of four phases—excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
fetish  An object or activity that arouses sexual interest and desire.
paraphilias  Sexual disorders that feature recurrent sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving nonhuman objects; the suffering or humiliation of oneself or one's partner; or children or other nonconsenting persons.
pedophilia  A paraphilia in which an adult or an older adolescent sexually fantasizes about or engages in sexual behavior with individuals who have not reached puberty.
sexually transmitted infection (STI)  An infection that is contracted primarily through sexual activity—vaginal intercourse as well as oral and anal sex.
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)  A sexually transmitted infection, caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), that destroys the body's immune system.
King: The Science of Psychology, 2nd Edition
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