Child Care Today ©2012

Chapter 22: Dramatic Play and Cultural Awareness

Chapter Summary

Dramatic play enhances children’s ability to learn and stimulates creativity. Children often role-play as part of dramatic play. Dramatic play can occur anywhere, and helps children develop physical, intellectual, emotional, and social skills. Allow enough time in the schedule for dramatic play, and follow the children’s lead when joining in. Dramatic play learning centers have furnishings and prop boxes that encourage make-believe play. Puppets can be used to act out nursery rhymes and folktales.

A social studies curriculum teaches children about themselves, their families, communities, and the world. It helps children develop skills for getting along peacefully with people from all backgrounds. Planning activities at which children can succeed helps build self-esteem and encourages learning about self. Children also learn about different types of family structures and roles. Exploring community life with children should begin with their home and immediate neighborhood. Explore diversity among children in your classroom, and include diversity throughout the program curriculum. Children need to develop good attitudes toward aging. Children enjoy learning about the environment and can learn to respect and conserve community resources. Children learn basic social skills that prepare them to be responsible citizens through daily classroom routines.

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