Child Care Today ©2012

Chapter 21: Math and Science Explorations

Chapter Summary

Understanding of math and science begins early. Teachers can help children develop a positive attitude toward math. Math curriculum for young children should encourage an awareness and development of math skills. When children group, sort, measure, weigh, and compare objects, they see how math skills apply to daily life. Early childhood teachers use certain activities to encourage math skills, such as recognizing shapes, sorting, seriation, patterning, rote counting, rational counting, recognizing numerals, ordering numerals, and making charts and graphs. Materials for math play can be used in a variety of learning centers.

Active discovery and investigation are the basics of science for children. Teachers should avoid doing too much for children as they explore. Teachers should make the most of teachable moments. Science curriculum helps children satisfy their curiosity and see that all things on Earth are interrelated. Find ways to make science concepts simple and understandable with a hands-on approach. Science activities do not need to be long-term projects. Many classrooms have a science learning center with sensory and light tables. Many science activities are group based. Cooking is a science activity that children enjoy. Look for simple recipes and follow all safety and sanitation guidelines.

Teaching about the environment and life on Earth is called nature education. Nature items can be explored safely with simple tools. Classroom pets offer many lessons in science and respond to a human’s social needs. Bird watching refines skills in concentration, observation, and reasoning. Gardening introduces children to the diversity of plants, and how plants and insects depend on each other.

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