Child Care Today ©2012

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Which statements about the growth of younger school-age children is true?
A)Their growth is slow and steady.
B)Their growth is rapid and even from year to year.
C)Their growth is rapid and occurs in sudden spurts.
D)Their growth is slow and varies dramatically from year to year.
What is true about the physical development of school-age children?
A)By age 11, most boys are taller than girls.
B)By age 10, a great variety of large motor skills are developed.
C)By age six, most children have fully achieved control over their small muscles.
D)b and c
What can most school-age children do that most preschool children cannot do?
A)classify and order different types of objects
B)match numerals to number of objects
C)apply complex logical thought processes
D)all of the above
How do school-age children differ from preschool children socially and emotionally?
A)They no longer have fears.
B)They do not tease their peers.
C)They no longer need achievements or praise for their self-esteem.
D)They are more interested in broad socially responsible world issues.
What happens as school-age children begin to compare themselves to one another?
A)They become more competitive.
B)They become more cooperative.
C)They become less motivated to perfect their own skills.
D)They become confused about their own identities.
By what ages do most children prefer friends of their own gender?
A)five or six
B)seven or eight
C)nine or ten
D)eleven or twelve
Which is not a reason why school-age child care programs are necessary?
A)Children need to be supervised and kept safe.
B)Children need education outside of school hours.
C)Care programs bring peace of mind to working parents.
D)Care programs keep children from being bored and aimless.
What type of atmosphere should classrooms in school-age programs offer?
Which of the following best nurtures physical development in school-age children?
A)competitive and noncompetitive actvities
B)arts and crafts
C)learning responsible hygiene skills
D)all of the above
What is one way to help boost self-esteem?
A)setting clear boundaries for acceptable behavior
B)encouraging creativity and imagination
C)encouraging pride in a child's cultural background
D)offering games that challenge a child to think
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