Child Care Today ©2012

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What are some ways families can be involved in their children's programs?
A)They can visit the classroom.
B)They can attend parent-teacher conferences.
C)They can trade family resources.
D)all of the above
Which is not a strategy to encourage family members to be involved in the classroom?
A)Hold evening family events.
B)Invite family members to chaperone.
C)Provide adult-sized furniture in the classroom.
D)Have family members share interests and talents with the class.
What can schools do to encourage parents to be involved with the larger school community?
A)Visit the child's family at home.
B)Sponsor support groups.
C)Create a parent buddy or mentor system.
D)b and c
Which is not a factor to consider in deciding if a referral is needed for parents or children?
A)Does a parent-child relationship seem in jeopardy?
B)Does a specialist you know work with problems like the child's?
C)Is the child's behavior frequently harmful to self or others?
D)Is the child's classmates' ability to learn impaired by the problem?
Which type of specialist or agency would focus specifically on a child's problem?
A)family therapists
B)housing assistance
C)financial assistance
D)child development services
Which type of specialist or agency might benefit a child who is being abused by an older sibling?
A)family therapists
B)housing assistance
C)financial assistance
D)all of the above
What should be the first step in solving a problem with parents?
A)Agree on a plan.
B)Identify the problem.
C)Suggest a plan to the parents.
D)Gather information about the problem.
If program staff are unsure about how to approach a parent about a problem, what should they do?
A)Ask the police department.
B)Ask other parents for advice.
C)Consult the NAEYC's Code of Ethics.
D)Ask the parents to withdraw the child from school.
Which of the following is not determined by custody rights?
A)who may enroll the child
B)who is allowed to drop the child off at the center
C)who may make medical decisions for the child
D)who is allowed to leave the center with the child
Once you have reported child abuse, what can you do with the information about the reason for the report?
A)Use it to warn other parents.
B)Alert all the children in the school.
C)Alert all staff to watch for further signs.
D)Share it only with those directly involved in caring for the child.
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