Child Care Today ©2012

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What are some benefits of a daily schedule?
A)It ensures that children will be engaged in beneficial activities.
B)It provides enough structure for teachers to respond to emergencies.
C)It helps children behave appropriately.
D)all of the above
Which of the following factors is not usually taken into account in planning schedules?
A)the program type
B)the children's ages
C)the length of the program day
D)the family's schedule at home
Which of the following help balance a daily schedule?
A)stories and poems
B)active play and quiet play
C)snack time and lunch time
D)a and c
Which statement is true about balancing a daily schedule?
A)It should focus mostly on a child's intellectual development.
B)It should make physical development the priority.
C)It should include all developmental areas.
D)It should emphasize emotional development.
Which of the following is a staff responsibility during the dressing routine?
A)plan for hand washing
B)encourage self-help skills
C)respond to a child's personal schedule for diapering
D)provide children with developmentally appropriate activities
Which statement is true about schedules and routines?
A)A routine usually includes several schedules.
B)A schedule usually includes several routines.
C)A routine and schedule are the same thing.
D)A schedule and routine are not related.
When should a health check be performed?
A)just before children leave
B)after the daily kickoff
C)during lunch or snack time
D)when children arrive with parents
Which routine should be taught to children in all early childhood programs?
A)sanitizing toys
B)hand washing
C)shaking hands
D)cultural traditions
What helps guide children from one activity to another?
Which is an example of a transition technique?
A)showing children where tissues are kept
B)teaching children to button their coats
C)flickering the lights to signal story time
D)recording what children eat for lunch
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