Child Care Today ©2012

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Which is not a precaution for limiting the spread of disease?
A)wearing gloves
B)washing hands
C)environmental disinfection
D)learning CPR
Which are used by childhood professionals to check for illness?
A)daily health checks on arrival
B)inspecting clothing
C)restricting attendance
D)a and b
Which of the following should be reported both to parents and the public health department?
A)certain contagious diseases
B)weather-related illnesses
C)all signs of injury
D)allergies to foods
Which health condition can be passed on to other children?
A)head lice
Which is a good safety rule for a child in a care center?
A)Try to fix broken toys.
B)Be careful when running inside.
C)Stay with the teacher on walks.
D)Ask strangers to leave the playground.
Which toys are safe to use in an early child care facility?
A)toys with long strings
B)scissors with pointed edges
C)sharp-edged plastic toys
D)nontoxic art and science supplies
Which of the following should be part of an early childhood safety policy?
A)safety inspections
B)rules for children's conduct
C)fire, severe weather, and disaster drills
D)all of the above
Which measures protect the health and safety of all children and staff at a center?
A)reporting all cases of suspect child abuse
B)maintaining an open door policy to all community members
C)releasing children only to custodial parents and legal guardians
D)taking precautions in the use of toxic cleaning, sanitation, and pest control products
Which certificate is not likely to be required for any staff in a child care setting?
A)first aid
C)cardiopulmonary resuscitation
D)food service sanitation
Which health emergencies should a child care worker be trained to treat?
A)nosebleeds, measles, choking
B)measles, nosebleeds, poisoning
C)poisoning, choking, measles
D)choking, nosebleeds, poisoning
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