Child Care Today ©2012

Chapter 1: Early Childhood Careers

Chapter Summary

Child care describes when children are cared for outside the child’s immediate family. More Americans than ever rely on professional child care. Quality care focuses on meeting overall developmental needs. Early childhood program options include child care centers as well as family child care homes and in-home care. These programs must provide equal participation opportunities for all people.

Success as an early childhood professional depends on your personal traits, attitudes, skills, and abilities. It is important to manage stress to stay healthy.

There are many career paths for an early childhood professional. The education and training you need will depend on the job you seek and where you live. There are many entrepreneurship opportunities in child care. Certification and credentialing identify those who can successfully work in the field.

Early childhood professionals have many legal responsibilities, including keeping information confidential and mandated reporting. Many states require confidential criminal background checks for people wishing to work as an early childhood professional.

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