Health & Wellness Grade 7

Chapter 9: Consumer and Community Health

Chapter Summary

Lesson 1
You can get reliable health information from parents, guardians, and other responsible adults, including qualified health care professionals. Some printed sources and certain Web sites may also provide reliable health information. Developing media literacy will help you recognize and evaluate the media's messages.

Lesson 2
Lesson 2 Health care is provided at private offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and other sites. To receive quality health care, choose providers and an insurance plan that will cover what you need.

Lesson 3
As a consumer, you have both rights and responsibilities. Knowing what influences your buying decisions and recognizing advertising techniques will help you make responsible buying decisions.

Lesson 4
You can learn to manage both your time and money. A time management plan will help you relax, increase your self-confidence, and put you in control. A budget is the key to spending your money wisely.

Lesson 5
You can set a long-term vocational goal by exploring your many career options. Volunteering, internships, service learning, part-time jobs, shadowing/mentoring, and informational interviews are effective ways to find out about careers.

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