Health & Wellness Grade 7

Chapter 4: Nutrition

Chapter Summary

Lesson 1
A balanced diet contains the six kinds of nutrients. The Dietary Guidelines and the Food Guide Pyramid can be used to make healthful food choices.

Lesson 2
The information on food labels can help you make healthful food choices. You can eat healthful meals and snacks at home, at school, and at restaurants.

Lesson 3
Foodborne illnesses are spread by pathogens. You can avoid foodborne illnesses by purchasing, handling, cooking, and storing food properly.

Lesson 4
There are health risks associated with being overweight and underweight. Eating a balanced diet and participating in physical activity can help you maintain a healthful weight.

Lesson 5
A negative body image and mental or emotional problems increase the risk of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Teens who have eating disorders need medical treatment and counseling.

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