Health & Wellness Grade 7

Chapter 3: Growth and Development

Chapter Summary

Lesson 1
The body's support systems include the skeletal system, the muscular system, the skin, and the nervous system.

Lesson 2
The body's transport systems carry substances throughout the body, including oxygen, nutrients, and hormones as well as carbon dioxide and waste products.

Lesson 3
During adolescence, males and females undergo many changes. A healthful adolescence involves learning how to cope with the physical and emotional changes triggered by the production of hormones in the body.

Lesson 4
Parenthood is a responsibility that should be assumed by adults who are ready to care for children. The personal behaviors of both parents directly affect the health of the developing fetus.

Lesson 5
Practicing healthful behaviors early in life will help you remain physically and mentally active into adulthood. Care and support from the family can help older adults adjust to changes in their abilities and needs.

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