The West in the World, AP* Edition (Sherman), 5th Edition

Chapter 19: Nationalism and Statebuilding: Unifying Nations, 1850–1870

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Building Unified Nation-States

  1. Between 1850 and 1870, what was the ultimate political objective of nationalism? In what ways was it expressed?

  1. The Drive for Italian Unification

  1. What were Cavour's goals? What role did Piedmont play in them?

  2. What sort of opportunity did Cavour see in the Crimean War and better relations with Great Britain and France?

  3. How did Garibaldi help to unify Italy?

  1. Germany "By Blood and Iron"

  1. Why was Prussia the best hope for achieving German unification?

  2. How did Bismarck feel he could most effectively strengthen Prussia as a state?

  3. Give examples of Bismarck's policy of Realpolitik.

  4. What role did Bismarck play in uniting the German states into a German empire?

  1. The Fight for National Unity in North America

  1. Americans began to feel they had a culture distinct from Europe. However, what regional differences were emerging within the country?

  2. What two different perspectives did these regions hold on the issue of slavery? Why did their differences lead to civil war?

  1. Divided Authority in the Austrian and Ottoman Empires

  1. What reforms did Francis Joseph make to try to preserve the Austrian empire?

  2. What threats to its integrity did the Ottoman Empire face by 1850?

  3. How were other European powers taking advantage of Ottoman weaknesses?

  1. Using Nationalism in France and Russia

  1. How did nationalism manifest itself in the French state-building process during the reign of Napoleon III?

  2. How did this contribute to the downfall of Napoleon III and his government?

  3. What characteristics made Russia the most conservative nineteenth century European power?

  4. Why did Russia attack the Ottoman Turks to begin the Crimean War? How was the Russian state humbled in the aftermath of that attack?

  5. In what specific ways did serfdom contribute to causing Russia to be "left behind" other European powers?

  6. How were Alexander II's "Great Reforms" intended to modernize Russia?

  7. Why didn't Alexander enact further reforms?

Sherman: The West in the World, AP* Edition, 5e
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