The West in the World, AP* Edition (Sherman), 5th Edition

Chapter 11: "Alone Before God": Religious Reform and Warfare, 1500–1648

Essay Quiz

What were the causes of war in the sixteenth century? How much had reasons for war and warfare changed since the time of the late Roman Empire?
Which Renaissance characteristics also describe the ideas of the Protestant Reformation? Consider how the Renaissance influenced the Protestant Reformation.
Review the various religious beliefs of the different Protestant sects, and consider the relationship of these ideas to the different social and economic groups who were attracted to them.
How did problems of succession lead to religious conflict in both France and England?
Why did the Protestant Reformation lead to war? Describe the major conflicts, their causes, and their resolutions.
Review the reform movements of the Catholic Church. How did the church respond to the critiques of the Protestants?
How did issues of political autonomy and religious freedom overlap in the Netherlands and Bohemia?
How did Protestantism transform people's daily lives?
Consider and compare the impact of the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation on women's lives.
Sherman: The West in the World, AP* Edition, 5e
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