The West in the World, AP* Edition (Sherman), 5th Edition

Chapter 10: A New Spirit in the West: The Renaissance, ca. 1300–1640

Learning Objectives

When you have finished studying this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
  • Define "Renaissance" and identify some of its medieval antecedents.
  • Outline the key ideas of the Renaissance and humanism.
  • Summarize how Renaissance ideas spread via patronage and print.
  • Compare and contrast the development of the Italian city-states during the Renaissance.
  • Describe the social dimensions of the Renaissance.
  • Outline the key developments in the arts and sciences during the Renaissance.
  • Identify the achievements of Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Outline the Renaissance experience in France and England.
Sherman: The West in the World, AP* Edition, 5e
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