Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 12th Edition (Shier)

Chapter 12: Blood

Learning Outcomes

12.1 Introduction
1: Describe the general characteristics of blood, and discuss its major functions.
2: Distinguish among the formed elements and liquid portion of blood.

12.2 Blood Cells
3: Explain the significance of red blood cell counts.
4: Summarize the control of red blood cell production.
5: Distinguish among the five types of white blood cells, and give the function(s) of each type.

12.3 Blood Plasma
6: Describe the functions of each of the major components of plasma.

12.4 Hemostasis
7: Define hemostasis, and explain the mechanisms that help achieve it.
8: Review the major steps in blood coagulation.

12.5 Blood Groups and Transfusions
9: Explain blood typing and how it is used to avoid adverse reactions following blood transfusions.
10: Describe how blood reactions may occur between fetal and maternal tissues.

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