American History: A Survey (Brinkley), 13th Edition


Main themes of Chapter Thirteen:

  • The influence of Manifest Destiny on Americans during the period, and how it shaped American policy in Texas, Oregon, California, and the Southwest

  • The many events concerning the expansion of slavery into the western territories that deepened divisions between the North and the South and led to the Civil War

  • The effect of the dispute over slavery in reshaping the American political-party system, bringing an end to the Whigs and birthing the Republicans
A thorough study of Chapter Thirteen should enable the student to understand the following:
  • The concept of Manifest Destiny and its influence on the nation through the 1840s and beyond

  • The origin of the Republic of Texas and the controversy concerning its annexation by the United States

  • The reasons why the United States declared war on Mexico, and how the Mexican War was fought to a successful conclusion

  • The impact of the Wilmot Proviso on the sectional controversy

  • The methods used to enact the Compromise of 1850, and its reception by the American people

  • The role of the major political parties in the widening sectional split

  • The part played by Stephen A. Douglas in the enactment of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the effect of this act on his career and on the attitudes of the people in all sections

  • The impact of the Dred Scott decision on sectional attitudes and on the prestige of the Supreme Court

  • The reasons for Abraham Lincoln's victory in 1860, and the effect of his election on the sectional crisis

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