Environmental Science, 11th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 6: Population Biology

Animation Quiz - Fishing for Trouble

Objective: The student will observe the effects of overfishing practices on global fisheries and learn how, as a consumer, to help alleviate this problem.

Click here for more information regarding this video and its quiz questions.


According to the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s “Seafood Watch” program, Chilean Sea Bass is placed in which category?
A)best choice

Chilean Sea Bass and Orange Roughy populations are not easily sustained due to the fact that they:
A)are deep-water fish species that are slow growing
B)they produce few offspring
C)they are late to mature and are long lived
D)all of the above

In order to regulate the catch of Chilean Sea Bass and other exploited fish species, governments have:
A)restricted the depth at which fisherman can trawl ocean waters
B)put limits on the numbers of fish harvested in their native waters
C)required documentation showing imported fish were caught legally
D)b and c
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