Algebra & Trigonometry (Coburn), 2nd Edition

Feature Summary

Feature: Mid-Chapter Checks: Tests students on the skills they should have learned through the first half of the chapter.

Feature: Writing, Research, and Decision-Making Problems - These provide students an opportunity for online research, conceptual thinking, and writing.

Feature: Technology Highlights and Calculator Exploration & Discovery - These are designed to further explore a given topic with the graphing calculator.

Feature: Interior Design - The trim size of the book has been increased to provide more white space on the page, improve readability, and decrease the length of the book. The font size has been increased throughout. The size of graphs and diagrams has been increased where necessary.

Feature: Updated Examples - Titles have been added to Examples and the Examples have been scrutinized for clarity, length, and relevance to current topics. “Overlapping” Examples have been removed.

Feature: Learning Objectives - These are clearly tied to sub-sections in the text. Margin “checkpoints” throughout each section let students know when a specific learning objective has been covered and reinforces the use of correct mathematical terms.

Feature: Suggested Homework - A list of suggested homework assignments has been added to each exercise section in the Annotated Instructor’s Edition to provide instructors with guidelines for developing core, standard, extended, and in-depth assignments.

Feature: Organizational Changes - Coverage of absolute value equations and inequalities has been added to Chapter 1. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 have been significantly reorganized based on reviewer feedback. Coverage of circles is now introduced in Chapter 2 with coverage of the mid-point and distance formulas. Variation is now covered after polynomial and rational functions. Coverage of one-to-one and inverse functions has moved to Chapter 4 on Exponents and Logarithms. Systems and Matrices are now covered in two separate chapters.

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