The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 25: Superpower Struggles and Global Transformations

Essay Quiz

How did wartime cooperation between the West and the Soviet Union turn into the Cold War? Examine both events that occurred during the war and the history of relations between these countries.
How did Cold War tensions influence international affairs in the Western and non-Western worlds?
In what ways did Western life during these decades represent a triumph of Western industrialization and political democracy? What sorts of problems persisted despite this triumph?
Compare the Eastern and Western "paths" of political and economic development, and evaluate their results.
Even after gaining their independence, what were the legacies of colonialism that newly independent countries had to address?
Why were European governments willing to let their empires go after World War II?
What doubts about their own civilization did decolonization prompt Western Europeans to ponder? How were these doubts expressed?
How did some groups in Western society react to the fact that there existed a "gap between the ideals and realities of democracy, equality, and prosperity"? Who were these groups and how did they influence society as a whole?
Analyze and account for the differing political responses to economic recession and social movements in the West during the 1970s and 1980s.
How would you characterize postindustrial society? Consider daily and family life in your response.
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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