The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 23: Darkening Decades

Essay Quiz

Compare Europe and the West before and after World War I. How were they changed by the experience of total war?
Why did popular and high culture of the 1920s exude both "superficial gaiety" and "insecurity"?
Why did the Weimar Republic government fail in post-war Germany?
Why did authoritarian governments rise in the nations of east-central Europe, and parliamentary democracy fail?
Although Italy was a victor in WWI, why did fascism take hold there?
How did Soviet leaders hope to transform the Soviet Union into a modern socialist society? What were the costs of their policies?
Analyze the main qualities of German Nazism. How do you explain its rise and the acquisition of power by Hitler?
In the postwar world, were economic difficulties or political ambitions most important for determining the course events took? Or were the two inseparable? Use specific examples to support your argument.
Why do you think the Western governments did not try to hold Germany to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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