The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 19: Nationalism and Statebuilding

Essay Quiz

Analyze the methods used by leaders such as Cavour and Bismarck to achieve national unity. How do they compare with efforts during the revolutions of 1848?
How did Bismarck's policy of Realpolitik contribute to the unification of Germany?
Using either Italy or Germany as an example, explain how the ideology of nationalism transformed into a means to create a political state.
How did industrialization influence a state's identity in the period after the industrial revolution first emerged in Europe? Consider the American and Russian cases.
How did the emergence of nationalism in the nineteenth century affect the Austrian and Ottoman empires? Why?
Evaluate the political role of nationalism in the nineteenth century. Was it more important as a force for unification or disintegration?
How did leaders such as Napoleon III in France and Alexander II in Russia try to link nationalism and state-building?
Why, despite Alexander II's reforms, were the various social groups and nationalities in the Russian empire still dissatisfied?
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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