The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 16: Overturning the Political and Social Order

Essay Quiz

In what ways did the demands and interests of the nobility, middle class, and monarch conflict on the eve of the Revolution?
What were the major causes of the French Revolution? Were short-term or long-term factors more significant for producing the Revolution?
By 1791, how completely had the French government and society been transformed in terms of specific political, social, and religious changes?
Why do you think the Revolution turned more radical, resulting in the establishment of a republic and leading to the Reign of Terror?
Do you think the French Revolution confirmed or contradicted the main political trends of the eighteenth century?
In what ways were Enlightenment ideas reflected in the values and reforms of the French Revolution?
How did the French Revolution affect the rest of Europe? Why were some governments threatened by it?
Why did Napoleon ultimately fail? What major weaknesses brought his attempt to create a European-wide empire to an end?
Although a French king was restored to the throne in 1815, in what ways had the Revolution and Napoleon permanently changed French society and the French state?
Did Napoleon betray the French Revolution, or further its ideals?
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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