The West in the World, 4th Edition (Sherman)

Chapter 10: A New Spirit in the West

Essay Quiz

What were the key features of the new spirit that came to be called the Renaissance? What were the medieval roots of the Renaissance? In what ways did this cultural movement break away from medieval ideas?
How did women contribute to and experience the Renaissance? Did the Renaissance lead to an improvement in women's lives?
Review the political order of northern Europe in the Middle Ages, and contrast it with the political life of fourteenth-century Italy. How did the turbulent politics of Italy contribute to the growth of Renaissance thought?
How do you think ordinary people experienced the Renaissance? Consider the experiences of Jews, women, and poor people.
Contrast medieval art, architecture, and literature with that of the Renaissance artists and humanists.
How did technology contribute to the spread of Renaissance ideas? What other factors, such as war, might also have contributed to the spread of ideas?
What new forms of government emerged during the Renaissance? Compare developments in southern Europe with the new monarchies emerging in northern Europe.
Why were Renaissance ideas important to monarchs in northern Europe? How did these rulers encourage the development of a French and an English Renaissance?
How did Renaissance ideas spread northward, and how were they transformed in France and England?
Sherman: The West in the World, Fourth Edition
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