History of the Modern World, 10th Edition (Palmer)

Chapter 5: The Transformation of Eastern Europe, 1648-1740

Primary Sources, Maps and Images

XXIII. Three Aging Empires

  1. The Holy Roman Empire after 1648
  1. The Republic of Poland about 1650
  1. The Ottoman Empire about 1650

XXIV. The Formation of an Austrian Monarchy

  1. The Recovery and Growth of Habsburg Power, 1648-1740
  1. The Austrian Monarchy by 1740

XXV. The Formation of Prussia

  1. Sweden's Short-Lived Empire
  1. The Territorial Growth of Brandenburg-Prussia
  1. The Prussian Military State

XXVI. The "Westernizing" of Russia

  1. Russia before Peter the Great
  1. Peter the Great: Foreign Affairs and Territorial Expansion
  1. Internal Changes under Peter the Great
  1. The Results of Peter's Revolution
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