History of the Modern World, 10th Edition (Palmer)

Chapter 15: European Civilization, 1871-1914: Society and Culture

Primary Sources, Maps and Images

[Primary Source Idea of progress]

LXXV. The Advance of Democracy: Socialism, Labor Unions, and Feminism

  1. The Trade Union Movement and Rise of British Labor
  1. European Socialism after 1850
  1. Revisionist and Revolutionary Socialism, 1880-1914
  1. Feminism, 1880-1914

LXXVI. Science, Philosophy, the Arts, and Religion

  1. The Impact of Evolution
  1. Genetics, Anthropology, and Psychology
  1. The New Physics
  1. Trends in Philosophy and the Arts
  1. The arts: relativism, irrationalism, social determinism, unconscious
  1. The Churches and the Modern Age

LXXVII. The Waning of Classical Liberalism

  1. The Decline of Nineteenth-Century Liberalism: Economic Trends
  1. Intellectual and Other Currents
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