American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition (Harrison)

Chapter 5: Civil Rights

Chapter Outline

  1. The Meaning of Equality Under the Law
  2. Slavery and Its Aftermath
    1. Slavery in the United States
      1. Opposition to Slavery
      2. The Civil War Era
    2. Reconstruction and the First Civil Rights Acts
    3. Backlash: Jim Crow Laws
    4. Governmental Acceptance of Discrimination
  3. The Civil Rights Movement
    1. Fighting Back: Early Civil Rights Organizations
    2. The End of Separate but Equal
    3. Rosa Parks's Civil Disobedience on a Montgomery Bus
    4. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Strategy of Civil Disobedience
  4. The Government's Response to the Civil Rights Movement
    1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    2. Other Civil Rights Legislation in the 1960s
    3. Impact of the Civil Rights Movement
  5. The Movement for Women's Civil Rights
    1. The First Wave of the Women's Rights Movement
      1. State-Level Rights
      2. The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution
    2. The Second Wave of the Women's Rights Movement
      1. Federal Legislation and Women's Rights
      2. Women's Rights and the Equal Protection Clause
      3. The Proposed Equal Rights Amendment
  6. Other Civil Rights Movements
    1. Native Americans' Rights
    2. Citizens of Latin American Descent
      1. Early Struggles of Mexican Americans
      2. The Chicano Movement
      3. Employment Discrimination and Other Civil Rights Issues
    3. Citizens of Asian Descent
      1. Internment of Japanese Americans During World War II
      2. Contemporary Issues for Asian Americans
    4. Citizens with Disabilities
    5. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Citizens
      1. The Gay Pride Movement
      2. Backlash Against the Movement for LGBT Civil Rights
  7. Affirmative Action: Is It Constitutional?
    1. How Affirmative Action Works
    2. Opposition to Affirmative Action
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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