Economics (McConnell) AP Edition, 19th Edition

Chapter 11: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly (+ Appendix)

Web-based Questions

Bookselling on the internet—How do sellers differentiate identical books? Use a search engine to find the current listings on the New YorkTimes best-seller lists. Choose one hardbound book of fiction and one hardbound book of nonfiction from the top-five lists. Next find the price, including shipping to your address, of your two books at both Amazon,, and Barnes and Noble, Is one company less expensive? Identify the nonprice competition that might lead you to order from one company rather than the other.
Market shares—Top-10 lists Advertising Age, at, compiles statistics on the market shares of some familiar products. Click on "Data Center" and then on "Marketer Family Trees." Consider the advertising of the various companies and the market types in which the companies operate. Give two examples of advertising for companies operating in oligopolies. Does the amount spent on advertising surprise you? Why or Why not?
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