Glencoe Earth Science

Chapter 24: The Solar System

Section 2 Self-Check Quiz-Eng.

One of the main differences between the outer and inner planets is __________.
A)the inner planets are all terrestrial
B)the inner planets are much bigger than the outer planets
C)the outer planets are gas planets
D)the outer planets have rings, and the inner planets don't
Why do planets closer to the Sun orbit the Sun faster than planets farther away do?
A)because of their size
B)because of the Sun's gravity
C)because of each planet's individual gravitational pull
D)because of the way the planets are lined up with each other in space
Why does Mercury have such a thin atmosphere?
A)because of its extreme temperatures
B)because of its small size and gravitational pull
C)because of its iron core
D)because of its rocky cliffs
Why is Venus hot?
A)because of the volcanoes
B)because of its closeness to the Sun
C)because of its position in the solar system
D)because of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Why is Venus often called Earth's twin?
A)because life also existed there at one time
B)because of its similar topography
C)because of its similar size
D)because of similar temperatures
One astronomical unit is approximately equal to __________.
A)the distance from Earth to the Sun
B)75 million km
C)the distance from Pluto to the sun
D)250 million km
What causes Mars to appear reddish?
A)the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
B)its distance from the Sun
C)the iron oxide surface
D)its position in the solar system
Which planet did the Viking probes explore?
What evidence of water on Mars did the Mars Pathfinder find?
A)all of the above
B)Samples of Martian crust indicated that iron had been leached out by groundwater.
C)features like gullies
D)water that is possibly frozen into the crust at Mars's poles
Mars and Earth have similar tilts. What other similarity does this cause the two planets to have?
C)land forms
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