Glencoe Earth Science

Chapter 4: Rocks

Section 2 Self-Check Quiz-Eng.

How are igneous rocks formed?
A)They are formed from sediments that collected in ocean beds.
B)They are formed from cooled magma.
C)They are formed over many years of pressure and heat within Earth.
D)They are hot magma the moment it is expelled from a volcano.
Why does magma rise to the surface?
A)because magma is more dense than the surrounding rock
B)because magma is less dense than lava
C)because the rocks actually move and force the magma out
D)because magma is less dense than the surrounding rock
Intrusive rocks __________.
A)have small mineral grains and are formed beneath Earth's surface
B)have large mineral grains and are formed on top of Earth's surface
C)have small mineral grains and are formed on top of Earth's surface
D)have large mineral grains and are formed beneath Earth's surface
Extrusive rocks __________.
A)have large mineral grains and are formed beneath Earth's surface
B)have large mineral grains and are formed on top of Earth's surface
C)have small mineral grains and are formed on top of Earth's surface
D)have small mineral grains and are formed beneath Earth's surface
Igneous rocks can be __________.
A)only intrusive
B)intrusive or extrusive
C)only extrusive
D)neither extrusive nor intrusive
Why are basaltic rocks dark?
A)because they contain large amounts iron and magnesium
B)because they have been scorched by high temperatures
C)because they contain large amounts of sodium
D)because they contain large amounts of silica
Granitic rocks are __________.
A)all of the above
B)igneous rocks
C)light colored rocks
D)rocks that have a high concentration of silica
What are the characteristics of Andesitic rocks?
A)They are found between granitic and basaltic rocks.
B)They have mineral compositions between granitic and basaltic rocks.
C)They are formed within granitic and basaltic rocks.
D)Their size is generally smaller than granitic, but larger than basaltic rocks.
Igneous rocks __________.
A)are the rarest rocks found on Earth
B)are the most commonly found rocks on Earth
C)are found mostly on the surface
D)are formed in the same way as sedimentary rocks
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