Teen Health Course 3

Chapter 9: Physical Activity and Fitness

Student Web Activities - Teacher Content

Lesson 2

  1. Strength training is often confused with weight lifting, bodybuilding, and power-lifting.

  2. Bodybuilding and power-lifting can put too much strain on young muscles, tendons, and growth plates.

  3. Strength training focuses on lighter weights and controlled movements, with a special emphasis on proper technique and safety.

  4. The health benefits of strength training include: increased muscle strength and endurance, protection from injury, improved performance, improved heart and lung function, stronger bones, healthier body composition, and lower cholesterol levels.

  5. The four most important things to focus on when strength training are: correct technique, smooth, controlled motions, less resistance, and many repetitions.

Additional Resources for Teachers
Below are some additional Web sites that offer information on weight lifting for teens along with information on how to eat and actual workouts.

  1. Body Building for You:
  2. Teen Health:
  3. Teen Growth:
Lesson 3

  1. The benefits of stretching include:

  2. a. Improved flexibility.
    b. Enhanced physical performance.
    c. Muscle tension and stiffness are relieved.
    d. Blood gets to muscles and makes injuries less likely.

  3. Yes, it is possible to injure yourself while stretching .

  4. The safest kind of stretching is called "static stretching." To do it you stretch through a muscle's full range of movement until you feel resistance, but not pain, then hold for 10 to 30 seconds.

  5. When done in a slow and focused manner, an extended stretching routine is an excellent relaxation method and stress reducer. Stretching can help tense people reduce anxiety and muscle tension, as well as lower blood pressure and breathing rate.

  6. Stretching tips include:

  7. a. Stretch at least three times a week to maintain flexibility.
    b. Stretch for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.
    c. Stretch before exercising or playing a sport to improve performance and perhaps prevent injury.
    d. Besides a general stretch of major muscle groups, stretch the specific muscles required for your sport or activity.
    e. Do not stretch until it hurts. If there is any pain, stop.
    f. Do not bounce. Stretching should be gradual and relaxed.
    g. Focus on the muscle groups you want to stretch.
    h. Try to stretch opposing muscles in both your arms and legs. Include static stretches plus PNF or active-isolated stretching.
    i. Do not hold your breath during a stretch.
    j. Stretch after exercising to prevent muscles from tightening up.

Additional Resources for Teachers

Below are some additional web sites that offer information on stretching both in and outdoors. Since so many students use computers, you might want to cover stretching to prevent repetitive use injuries:

  1. Healthy Computing:
  2. Flexibility Log:
  3. How Much How Often:
  4. Five Fantastic Stretching Exercises:
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