Teen Health Course 3

Chapter 6: Promoting Social Health

Student Web Activities - Teacher Content

Lesson 2

  1. Abuse is any act or failure to act that endangers a child’s or teen’s physical or emotional health and development.

  2. The four main types of abuse are:

  3. a. Physical
    b. Sexual
    c. Emotional
    d. Neglect

  4. Signs of physical abuse include:

  5. a. Unexplained burns, cuts, bruises, or welts in the shape of an object
    b. Bite marks
    c. Anti-social behavior
    d. Problems in school
    e. Fear of adults
    f. Drug or alcohol abuse
    g. Self-destructive or suicidal behavior
    h. Depression or poor self-image
    Signs of emotional abuse include:
    a. Apathy
    b. Depression
    c. Hostility
    d. Lack of concentration
    e. Eating disorders

  6. Some emotional effects of child abuse are:

  7. a. Low self esteem
    b. Depression and anxiety c. Aggressive behavior or anger issues
    d. Relationship difficulties
    e. Alienation and withdrawal
    f. Personality disorders
    g. Clinginess, neediness
    h. Flashbacks and nightmares

  8. One way for an abused teen to get help is to call a national abuse helpline.

Additional Links to Explore:

Use the links below to gather additional information on the activity topic. When appropriate, have students extend their research to include important concepts contained in these Web sites.

  1. Child Abuse Prevention
  2. Stalking is a Crime
  3. Emotional/Verbal Abuse
  4. Child Help USA :
  5. When Love Hurts:
Lesson 3

  1. About 750,000 teens get pregnant each year.

  2. About 40 percent of teen mothers graduate from high school, and only 2 percent graduate from college before they turn 30 .

  3. a. being born prematurely
    b. low birth weight
    c. infant death
    d. blindness, deafness
    e. chronic respiratory and digestive problems
    f. mental retardation or mental illness
    g. cerebral palsy
    h. dyslexia
    i. hyperactivity

  4. Infants born of teenage mothers are at risk of:

  5. The relationship between teen parents often dissolves within a shrot time. Eight of ten teen fathers do not marry the mothers of their children.

  6. Teens who are sexually active also are involved in drug use, alcohol and tobacco use, and delinquency.
Additional Links to Explore:

On the Web sites below, you will find information that can help you educate teens about the basics of pregnancy and its consequences.

  1. AACAP – When Children Have Children
  2. Teenwire:
  3. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:
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