Teen Health Course 3

Chapter 2: Skills for a Healthy Life

Student Web Activities - Teacher Content

Lesson 2

  1. The Center for Teen Empowerment hires and trains urban youth, including at risk youth, to be community organizers.

  2. The Midnight Forum is a web site that encourages youth to use hip hop to create positive changes in their communities.

  3. Older people and teens make good allies because both face age discrimination (ageism) and social neglect in many communities.

  4. Some examples of ways students can get involved in the decision-making process at their schools include:

  5. a. joining committees that make decisions about curricula, calendar planning, and building design.
    b. joining boards of education.
    c. getting involved in programs offered by education agencies that set up grants and do school assessments.
    d. taking a role in making and enforcing discipline policies.
    e. helping educate other students.
    f. participating in establishing and enforcing codes of conduct.
    g. getting involved in committees that make decisions about hiring and firing teachers and administrators.

  6. Youth Fighting for History in Los Angeles, California, added ethnic diversity classes.

Additional Resources for Teachers

There are a huge number of resources available for teens who want to make a difference. Some of the best are below. You might try having students brainstorm the kinds of skills they think they have and then have them try to find areas where those skills could be used at their schools.

  1. America’s Promise:
  2. Sound Out:
  3. What Kids Can Do:
  4. Rising Out (a blog):
  5. National Youth Rights Association:
Lesson 3

  1. It is a good idea to make a prevention plan because it helps you know what to say and do when risky situations come up.

  2. Some risky situations you should avoid include:

  3. a. Parties where there are drugs/alcohol.
    b. Dating older partners.
    c. Being alone where no one can help if you need it.
    d. Leaving a party or a gathering with someone you do not know really well.

  4. The twelve safety skills that will help keep you safe are:

  5. a. Go out with a supportive group of people you trust.
    b. Make pacts with your friends to look out for each other.
    c. Avoid risky situations.
    d. Stop and think before you act.
    e. Recognize trouble before it starts.
    f. Protect your drink at gatherings and never let it out of your sight.
    g. Learn about date rape drugs and their effects.
    h. Never go out with strangers.
    i. Learn to say no.
    j. Trust your guts.
    k. Set sexual limits and communicate your limits to your partner/date and friends; be with others who respect those limits.
    l. Sign and carry an abstinence card.

  6. A good response to someone who tells you that he/she wants to engage in sexual activity because of love is, "You don't have control over the whole situation. You do not know what is going to happen afterwards and I do not want to take the risk."

  7. A good response to someone who says it is okay to become sexually active because you use protection, "Abstinence is the only 100% effective protection against STDs, pregnancy, and emotional stress."

Additional Resources for Teachers

Dealing with situations in which they are pressured to take part in risky behaviors can be really tough for teens. The sites below offer suggestions, quizzes, and discussion forums where teens can get their questions answered and practice the skills they will need to say no effectively.

  1. My Life, My Freedom:
  2. Not Me Not Now:
  3. Just Say Yes:
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