Glencoe Biology

Section 3: Sponges and Cnidarians

Self-Check Quizzes

What does this picture show?

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A)reproductive structure in sponges
B)reproductive structure in cnidarians
C)feeding structure in sponges
D)feeding structure in cnidarians
Which of these is the correct sequence in cnidarian reproduction?
A)release of sperm, growth of larvae, new medusae
B)growth of larvae, formation of eggs and sperm
C)growth of polyps, release of sperm, growth of larvae
D)formation of medusae, growth of larvae and polyps
How do cnidarians exhibit mutualism?
A)by eating crabs
B)by getting food from crabs while protecting them
C)by getting food from crabs without affecting them
D)by competing with crabs for food
Which of the following does not describe a sponge's respone to stimuli?
A)detection of chemical signals
B)reaction of epithelial-like cells
C)closure of pores
D)impulse of a nerve fiber
What do these two evolutionary pictures indicate?

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A)two different theories of cnidarian ancestry
B)polyps and medusae merged into one structure
C)two different species of cnidarians
D)a single evolutionary theory
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