1 Long cylindrical cells that provide support for surrounding cells are called ____.A) cork cambium B) sclerenchyma cells C) apical meristems D) collenchyma cells 2 A vascular tissue that transports water and minerals through plants is called ____.A) xylem B) root hairs C) ground tissue D) cambium 3 The cell shown is responsible for many basic plant functions. What is this cell called? (31.0K)
A) sclerenchyma cell B) collenchyma cell C) parenchyma cell D) guard cell 4 What is a distinguishing feature of sclerenchyma cells?A) contain soft walls that can expand B) lack cytoplasm and other living components C) capable of photosynthesis and gas exchange D) have a spherical shape 5 What type of plant cell would be useful for making textiles such as this ancient Egyptian sandal? (37.0K)
A) guard cells B) parenchyma cells C) sclerenchyma cells D) cork cambium 6 What kind of tissue is particularly important to common household yards, and what is its function?A) dermal tissue, which make up the outer covering of plants B) cork cambium, which produces tough cell walls C) apical meristems, which inhibit primary growth in plant stems D) intercalary meristems, which cause grasses to regrow when cut 7 The layer between the vascular tissues and the epidermal layer of a root is called the ____.A) cortex B) root cap C) pericycle D) corm 8 What are the two major root systems?A) taproots and fibrous roots B) pneumatophores and prop roots C) adventitious roots and modified roots D) perennial and biannual roots 9 How is this structure important to plants? (32.0K)
A) prevents minerals from absorbing B) allows absorption of water C) prevents water from entering leaves D) blocks nutrients 10 Which structure illustrated here provides a protective layer for the leaf? (61.0K)
A) vascular bundle B) epidermal cells C) spongy mesophyll D) cuticle 11 Look at the various structures in this leaf. Which structures have the following functions, in this order: connects the vascular tissues of stem and leaf; contain many chloroplasts for photosynthesis? (61.0K)
A) guard cells, petiole B) cuticle, spongy mesophyll C) petiole, palisade mesophyll D) lower epidermal cell, spongy mesophyll 12 A plant hormone called ____ moves by active transport and stimulates growth.A) ethylene B) auxin C) cytokinin D) tropism 13 A ____ is a plant's growth response to external stimulus.A) tropism B) nastic response C) cytokinin D) gibberellin 14 The group of plant hormones called gibberellins provide what functions?A) photosynthesis, water retention, fruit ripening B) fruit ripening, water retention C) cell elongation, cell division, seed growth D) water retention, photosynthesis 15 This picture shows the plant hormone, auxin. What process is occurring? (20.0K)
A) cell shortened after decrease in pressure B) cell shortened when hydrogen enters cell wall C) cellulose fibers strengthened by hydrogen D) cell lengthened when hydrogen enters cell wall