Glencoe Biology

Section 1: Cell Discovery and Theory

Self-Check Quizzes-English

Which of the following is not a fundamental idea of cell theory?
A)All organisms contain prokaryotic cells.
B)Cells arise only from previously existing cells.
C)Cells are the basic unit of structure for all living organisms.
D)All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
A cell's genetic material is contained in the ____.
A)plasma membrane
C)unicellular bacteria
D)phospholipid bilayer
What did Robert Hooke use to study this organism?
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A)light microscope
B)electron microscope
C)cork chamber
D)DNA analysis
What effect has eukaryotic evolution had on cells?
A)more simplified structures
B)greater adaptability
C)eliminated organelles
D)decreased cell diversity
What is one significant disadvantage of scanning and transmission electron microscopes?
A)cells cannot absorb electrons
B)not as powerful as light microscopes
C)cells die when prepared for viewing
D)cannot observe plant cells
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