Florida Science Grade 6

Section 1: Weathering


Surface processes that work to break down rock are called__________.
C)ice wedging
How do chemical and mechanical weathering differ?
A)Mechanical weathering occurs when rocks are broken by physical processes, and chemical weathering happens when chemical reactions dissolve minerals.
B)Mechanical and chemical weathering can happen with the help of animals.
C)Chemical weathering can occur with the help of water reacting with carbon dioxide, and water has nothing to do with mechanical weathering.
D)Plant roots can help mechanical weathering occur, but have no impact on soil when it comes to chemical weathering.
Why is ice wedging most obvious in the mountains?
A)because the altitude directly contributes to how the water freezes in the cracks of rocks
B)because gravity pulls on the water in the cracks more if its found higher in the mountains
C)because the pressure in the mountains allows for the repeated freezing and thawing of water caught in cracks of rocks
D)because the temperature changes in the mountains allow for the repeated freezing and thawing of water caught in cracks of rocks
When water mixes with carbon dioxide in the air, it forms __________.
A)sulfuric acid
B)hydrochloric acid
D)carbonic acid
How is surface area related to chemical weathering?
A)Decreased surface area allows for more interactions of rocks with water and oxygen.
B)Increased surface area allows for more interactions of rocks with plants and animals.
C)Increased surface area allows for more interactions of rocks with water and oxygen.
D)Decreased surface area allows for more ice wedging.
How does climate affect chemical and mechanical weathering?
A)Mechanical weathering occurs more rapidly in warm, wet climates, and chemical weathering occurs more in cold climates.
B)Chemical weathering occurs more rapidly in warm, wet climates, and mechanical weathering occurs more in cold climates.
C)Chemical weathering occurs more rapidly in dry climates and mechanical weathering occurs more in windy climates.
D)Chemical and mechanical weathering occur more rapidly in warm, wet climates.
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