Glencoe Accounting

Chapter 28: Financial Statements and Liquidation of a Partnership

Making It Personal

Quintessential Careers, What Do Employers Really Want?

Potential employees want to know what skills most employers want. No matter what kind of job you may be looking for, there are some universal skills and characteristics that will serve you well in the job market. Take a look at the tips offered at Quintessential Careers, What Do Employers Really Want?

Destination Title: Quintessential Careers, What Do Employers Really Want?

Guided Activity

Start at the Quintessential Careers Web site. Record your answers to these questions separately.

  1. What are some examples of soft skills?
  2. What kinds of personal values do employers seek?
  3. How can job seekers improve their soft skills?
  4. In which soft skill do you excel? In which soft skill could you improve?
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