International Business

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Better Business Bureau Since 1912, this U.S. based organization's services have included business reliability reports, consumer and business education, dispute resolution, advertising truths and scams, and charity reviews. The Web site extends this group's reach.
Executive Planet Check out this Web site for valuable tips on business etiquette, as well as guidelines, customs, and protocol for conducting business across the globe.
Financial Web–The Independent Financial Portal This easy to use Web site provides educational and practical resources that encourage users to be proactive concerning their financial situation. Up-to-date information on mortgages, loans, banks, credit, investing, financial planning, insurance, trust and taxes, as well as current financial news is available.
Federation of International Trade Associations The FITA Global Trade Portal is an excellent source for international import and export trade leads , events , and links to thousands of international trade related Web sites.
Global Edge This Web site provides resources, news and views, and information about global business activities. Use the site to discover a wealth of information about almost every country, and to assist in research and knowledge on culture and work ethics worldwide. Click on country insights to find current data on the business climate, news, history, economic landscape, and relevant statistics for over 190 countries.
International Chamber of Commerce This organization's Web site features news and information concerning world business. Focus areas include the global economy, economic growth, job creation, open trade issues, and more.
Institute for International Economics This non-profit, nonpartisan organization is dedicated to the research and study of international economic policy. The site provides news, information, and analysis, as well as solutions to key international economic problems and issues.
Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education LIFE is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the public on all matters of health, life, disability, and long-term care insurance. This Web site provides up-to-date information and education to help users find the best insurance products for their needs.
The Wall Street Journal Online Up-to-date information on the U.S. stock market, national and international business news, political news and policies, and more are featured on this site. Some features require a subscription for access, while others, including podcasts, video features, articles, and research are free.
The Stock Market Game This is a virtual investment site in which users invest a hypothetical $100,000 in a real-time portfolio. While you will feel like you are playing a game, you will also be learning economic and financial concepts. Registration and a nominal fee may apply.
International Trade Association, U.S. Dept. of Commerce This is an excellent resource that assists U.S. businesses to participate fully in the growing global marketplace.
U.S. International Trade Commission An independent federal agency operates this site, which features news and information about all matters of trade, including unfair trade practices such as patent, trademark, and copyright infringement. It also investigates antidumping and countervailing duty, and offers industry and economic research and analysis.
World Bank This site is an excellent resource for information about low and middle-income countries. World Bank has over 180 members from developed and non-developed countries whose efforts include investing in schools and health centers, providing basic utilities such as water and electricity, fighting disease, and protecting the environment.
Worldwide Business Reports Visit this Web site to view a series of country-specific reports on international business practices, business customs and protocol, business travel, cross-cultural communication, negotiating, international etiquette, and business entertainment. Nearly every country, from Algeria to Yemen , is listed to assist users on every facet of international business.
World Trade Organization (WTO) This Web site serves the WTO, which is an international organization that deals with the rules of trade between nations. Learn about international trade agreements, the import and export businesses, how trade disputes are handled, and national trade policies. The latest WTO news is also available on this site.

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