Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 16: Primate Evolution

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p. 420
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Welcome to Primate Info Net
Information about primates; includes links to primate centers and organizations. Find out about the International Directory of Primatology. What is the purpose of this organization?
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Primate Facts
Visit this site to learn facts about the primates. Click on a link to read about a primate.
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The Animal Diversity Web
Visit this site for a comprehensive look at the Animal Kingdom. Do a quick search for Order Primate to find detailed information about primates. Which living primates are the smallest? Which are the largest? Into what two large groups are living primates divided?
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p. 437
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Primate-Human Evolution
Visit this site to learn more about human evolution. Follow the directions on the web site to find more information.
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Primate Evolution
Visit this site to learn more about primate evolution. Click on the link "The First Primates." When did primates first appear on Earth?
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p. 438
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Bering Land Bridge
Visit this web site to see the land bridge as it appears today. Click on the "In Depth" link to read about the species that populate the area today.
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Bering Land Bridge
Visit this site for more information about the Bering Land Bridge. Click on the link "a good knife" to read about how ancient peoples may have traded goods.
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Early Alaskans
Visit this site to learn about the research that is going on to find out about early Alaskans. Click on the link "Historic Alaska Index" to find more information.
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Can modern man trace their origins to Africa?
Visit this web site to read an article from The Japan Times, "DNA evidence backs up 'out-of-Africa' human origin theory". What does this scientific study concluded?
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p. 440
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Human Evolution
Visit this site to read about the research in China about human evolution. Click on the image to find more information.
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Prominent Humanoid Fossils
Visit this site to read about the most prominent humanoid fossils. Look at the key of abbreviations for the location of the fossil find. What do these locations have in common?
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Fossil Find in Africa
Visit this web site to read the news release of a fossil find in Africa. How do scientists think this early man died?
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