Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 10: Mendel and Meiosis

Web Links

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Mendelian Genetics
Mendel made many contributions to genetics. Explore this site to learn about his studies. According to this site, what were Mendel's two innovations to the science of genetics?
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The Basic Principles of Genetics
This site has been set up as a tutorial. Click on "Mendel's Genetics" to learn more about his experiments with cross pollination. What were his three conclusions based on the experiments he performed?
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Welcome to MendelWeb
Visit this site to learn more about Mendel. Read the English translation of his original 1865 paper on plant hybridization. What did Mendel conclude about the reproductive cells of the hybrids in his experiments? Develop a short presentation to explain this to the rest of the class.
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Here is an interactive educational resource and biotechnology reference. Visit the "About BioTech" section and paraphrase BioTech's mission statement and goals in your science journal.
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Take the Guess the Parents Quiz!
The snapdragons are supposed to be red, but some of the flowers are showing up in different colors. Guess what color the parent flowers are and then check your answers. Then try to determine the parents of the rabbits and mice.
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Human Genome Project Information
Access this site to learn about the U.S. and worldwide Human Genome Project. What is a genome? What are the benefits of mapping the human genome? How much progress has been made so far? What do you believe the ethical issues are in this project? Hold a mock debate in the class to talk about the ethical issues in the human genome project.
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Variations in Doves
This site is devoted to the study of the genetics of doves. Click on the links at the top of the page to learn more about the history and genetics of doves.
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What do Mr. Potato Head and Mendel Have in Common?
Here is a lab that uses Mr. Potato Head to teach Punnet squares. Break up in lab groups and perform this lab with your class.
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"Pea Soup" - The Story of Mendel
Visit this brief online history of Mendel. Try out the Interactive Pea Experiment and try to answer the questions correctly.
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The Work of Charles Darwin
Visit this site to read about the works of Charles Darwin. Click on the links to find more information about his contributions.
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Down Syndrome
Visit this site sponsored by the National Down Syndrome Society to learn about Down syndrome. Click on the links to choose your topic.
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Down Syndrome
The author of this site is a medical doctor with a child that has Down syndrome. This site contains essays, photos, and general information about the disorder. There is a wealth of information here. Choose a link to read more information.
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Down Syndrome
This site is sponsored by the National Down Syndrome Congress. What are the developmental aspects of children with Down syndrome?
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Kleinfelter's syndrome
Visit this site to read about Kleinfelter's syndrome. Click on the link for Kleinfelter's Organization. Enter the web site and click on the link "What is Kleinfelter's syndrome."
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Kleinfelter's syndrome
This site sponsored by the John Hopkins School of Medicine outlines Kleinfelter's syndrome. What are the risk factors of this disorder?
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Klinefelter's syndrome
This site uses a different spelling for the same disorder. What causes Kleinfelter's syndrome?
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Turner's Syndrome
Visit this site to learn about Turner's syndrome. What causes Turner's syndrome?
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Turner's Syndrome
This site is sponsored by Turner's Syndrome Information Texas. Click on the link "What is Turner's Syndrome?"
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Turner's Syndrome
Visit the Turner's Syndrome Society of the United Kingdom for more information on Turner's syndrome. Click on the link "What is TS." Where did Turner's syndrome get its name?
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