Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Section 2: The Plasma Membrane

The Plasma Membrane

What is a phospholipid composed of?
A)a glycerol backbone, two fatty acid chains, and a phosphate group
B)cholesterol and carbohydrates
C)water, phosphates, and a lipid layer
D)amino acids, fatty acids, and proteins
Why is water allowed to interact with the cell membrane?
A)water is polar
B)water is soluble
C)water is insoluble
D)water is nonpolar
What is the function of cholesterol in the plasma membrane?
A)It allows the phospholipids to move within in the membrane.
B)It allows water molecules to pass through the membrane.
C)It reduces blood flow in vessels.
D)It helps stabilize the phospholipids by preventing their fatty acid tails from sticking together.
Which of the following best describes the function of the plasma membrane?
A)a ceiling
B)a gateway
C)a wall
D)a floor
Which molecule can pass freely through the plasma membrane?
C)calcium ions
D)sodium ions
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