Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Section 1: Population Dynamics

Population Dynamics

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This graph shows population growth of houseflies. Based on the data in the graph, which of these statements is true?
A)The population size shows a straight-line increase.
B)At the beginning of the year, there are no houseflies in the population.
C)All of the population will be dead at the end of one year.
D)Growth of the housefly population begins to increase rapidly about 3/4 of the way through the first year.
A population of rabbits experiences an increase over time. Which of these statements about that population is true?
A)The population may face increased competition due to resource depletion.
B)The population my face decreased competition due to resource depletion.
C)The population may experience straight-line growth due to resource depletion.
D)The population may experience exponential growth due to resource depletion.
Which of these is an explanation of why a population can fluctuate once it has reached carrying capacity?
A)Limiting factors can influence the number of organisms in a population once it reaches carrying capacity.
B)The number of organisms decreases but never increases once it reaches carrying capacity.
C)All populations experience exponential growth once they reach carrying capacity.
D)A population of organisms always grows rapidly once it reaches carrying capacity.
An environment's __________ is the number of organisms of a certain species that can be supported indefinitely.
C)exponential growth
D)carrying capacity
Which of these is NOT a characteristic of a rapid life-history organism?
A)small body size
B)long life span
C)early reproduction age
D)rapid period of time until maturation
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