Biology: The Dynamics of Life, North Carolina Edition

Chapter 3: Communities and Biomes

Web Links

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This site provides information about research in Antarctica. Follow the link to learn about what an expedition to Antarctica is like. How do you get there? What do you wear?
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Coral Reef Fishes
Follow the link above to learn about the fishes of coral reefs. How many types of feeding groups are there in a coral reef? What do the fish in each group eat?
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Ocean Planet, Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution maintains this online museum exhibit about oceans. Access the site and find out how many ways ocean habitats are being destroyed.
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What's it Like Where You Live?
This site, maintained by the Missouri Botanical Garden, has a user-friendly format. Each biome section contains maps and facts specific to that biome. Choose one of the six biomes and learn about that biome. Prepare a brief report to share with your classmates about your selected biome.
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Major Biomes of the World
This site gives a detailed overview of the different biomes of the world. Visit this site and create a showcase in your school that demonstrates the different biomes.
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Shades of Green: Earth's Forests - Ecological Succession
This brief slideshow focusing on ecological succession is a portion of a larger ecology presentation. Review this site and describe three different events that can lead to ecological succession.
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Pond Succession
Visit this site to learn more about the process of pond succession. What are the four stages of pond succession?
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Hilton Pond Succession
Visit this site to learn about natural succession that is occurring at Hilton Pond. Click on the links to find out about the flora and fauna that is in the area.
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Yellowstone National Park
Part of the National Park Services' web site, this section is the official page for Yellowstone National Park. When was Yellowstone National Park founded?
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Yellowstone National Park
Visit the official website of Yellowstone National Park and learn about current issues in the park. Select one of the issues and write a summary of what you learn.
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Sierra Club - John Muir
This page has an extensive biography of John Muir, including a comprehensive fact sheet on his life and streaming audio clips. What are the titles of some of John Muir's books and what are these books about?
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Healthy Forests
Visit this site to learn about healthy forests. Click on the links to learn more information about various topics. This site contains a section devoted to Wildlife and Fire Management.
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Fire and Forests
This web site sponsored by the Canadian government describes the impact of fire on a forest. Click on other links on this site to learn more about other disturbances that impact a forest.
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Forest and Fires
This site is sponsored by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Click on the one of the links about fires and fire management to find out more information.
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